


Once again, I am offering boudoir sessions for those interested!

I have two dates in mind:

For Grand Rapids, Saturday, November 20, 2010.

For Denver, Thursday, December 30, 2010.

If you are interested, please let me know ASAP, especially if you live in the Grand Rapids area. I plan to have all photos processed within 1 week of session time, which will give you at least one month to create the perfect gift for your significant other (whether it be a calendar, a book, etc.)

For those of you in Colorado, obviously I won't be able to get the photos done before Christmas. However, if you wish to make them into a Christmas gift, let me know and I can send a gift-wrapped "IOU" that hints at the fact that there is something more coming his way.

Email me as soon as possible! My last sessions were so, so fun!


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