

How did she do that?

Portrait photography has always been my passion, but every now and then I like to change it up and take photos of entirely different things.

I'm not a big fan of landscape photos, but I love, love, LOVE to get in nice and close with my Macro lens and capture some of the finer details in life. 

Today in Michigan, it's freezing cold and snowing. Not exactly "playing outdoors" weather. Lol.

So Thad and I experimented with some oil and water. This was honestly a great little science experiment for him---a learning opportunity for him, and fun for me. Winning!

Anyways, here is the final result of our experiment:

If you want to try it as well, here are the steps I followed:

1. Place some water (I filled it up half way) in a glass bowl

2. Set the bowl on a white surface (I used a cutting board)

Note: If you set this up in front of a sliding glass door or window, then you won't need to use your flash.

3. Add as much baby oil as your heart desires. If the oil begins to glob into really large bowls, just swirl your finger in the water and they will break up.

4. Add different food coloring - one or two drops of each color at a time is plenty

5. I used a Macro lens for these photos. The lens has an auto-focus button, but I focused manually. This allowed me to get in nice and close to the water, so I could capture the details.

And that's it! 

If you try this and blog about it, I'd love to see the result! Just link me in the comments section! 

Happy weekend, all. :)


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