

Albuquerque family photographer | The V Family

Oh man.

Everytime I take photos like this, I am reminded that I got my first gray hair not too long ago and I am, in fact, getting old.

I went to high school with these two.

Scratch that.

I was in the same class in 5th grade as Peter. So we probably shared a Hello Kitty eraser at some point. Or maybe I stole his markers. I don't know. But now that we're all grown up, I am instead photographing his beautiful family and frackin' adorable little girl.

Seriously. Stunning.

The light was fabulous as well. The sun was just beginning to set over the Rockies, which made for a nice haze.

Photographers live their days and nights, anticipating sessions with such gorgeous light.

Ok, maybe I'm being dramatic. Ha.

Anyways, on to the pictures!

Thanks again, Alissa and Peter. I LOVED our time together.

If you or someone you know is in the Albuquerque area and is interested in family photography, email me at!


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