

Boudoir...substitute. Grand Rapids Boudoir Photographer. Denver Boudoir Photographer.

Boudoir sessions went fantastically well on Sunday, I have to say! Unfortunately, while my clients were beautiful, sexy, and totally hot, I can't share any of their photos with you. :)

But, what I CAN do is share a wonderful photo of our family Christmas tree...well, three photos to be exact.

This time of year is so incredibly exciting, especially when you have a little one running around. Isn't joy in a child's face one of the best things to witness?

As an aside, I will be announcing my big Black Friday specials on Thursday. So make sure to come back and read all about it, so you don't miss out on a huge opportunity!


Kristi said...

I wish I could see the boudoir photos somehow :( I totally understand the need for privacy with these but I would love to see!

Katie said...

Kristi, I got permission to post some!

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