

The Teitsma Family. Grand Rapids Family Photographer. Grand Rapids Toddler Photographer.

The Teitsmas are a family that we absolutely love to spend time with. My husband and I try to get together with them at least once a month - although it doesn't always work out that way. They're funny, fun, and all our kids get along.

Oh! And they love good steak and wine, too. So that's a bonus. ;)

The other  bonus is their beautiful children - both of which were very willing to give me some sweet smiles today during our shoot.

The ultimate goal was to get some good family photos, as well as some individual shots of the kids, and maybe even some Christmas ones. I think we did alright! 

Stephanie and Troy, enjoy your sneak peek! 

(Ok, so I know this isn't exactly the typical family portrait. But Stephanie and I both laughed out loud when we saw this one. Outtakes are always the absolute best!)

If you or someone you know is interested in scheduling a Christmas or family session with Catherine Jeter Photography, there's still time! Contact me as soon as possible!


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