

The Baker Family. {Grand Rapids Family Photographer}

Hilda contacted me a few months back after having been given my business card from her oldest daughter (not pictured). I had been at a garage sale over the summer, and saw the cutest little handmade bows for little girls. Of course, with one dozen photos in mind, I snatched them all up, and traded business cards with the homeowner. She must have liked what she had seen, because she referred her mom to my site!

So, we got together for my last and final session of the year (until Boudoir). Wow - you never quite realize how quick and easy it can be to take photos of older children until you actually do it.

Eye contact.




It was definitely foreign territory, and I think our session took all of 30 minutes, lol. I suppose it also made my job easier that they just wanted some classic black and white photos as well.

Aren't these girls just gorgeous!? I feel like they should be hanging on some huge white canvas in a GAP store. Such a beautiful family!

Thanks again, Hilda! Enjoy your sneak peek. :)

If you or someone you know is interested in a family photo session after the first of the year, contact me as soon as possible!


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